
This year’s Summit launched the LAN Healthcare Resiliency Framework and included rich discussions about its focus areas such as ways to address health inequities, different capacity needs for large and small provider networks, and how to integrate specialty care with primary care particularly behavioral health.

Below is the video library of these sessions. We invite you to watch if you could not attend or re-watch if you missed a session. As always we would like to hear from you. Please send us your thoughts or feedback.

Welcome and HHS Leadership

Anniversary Video and Plenary Introduction

Commitments Call to Action

Fireside Chat: Moving Toward a Better Health Care System and Closing

Primary Care & Behavioral Health Integration: Ensuring Care for the Whole Person

Reducing Health Inequities & Improving Health Outcomes

Integration of Specialty Care in APMs: Opportunities & Barriers

A Provider’s Journey to Population Health: Health Systems vs. Independent Physician Practices

Opening Plenary: Action & Commitments to a Resilient Health Care System

For closed captioning, view the videos on our YouTube page.

Learn more about the LAN’s newest initiative 
LAN Healthcare Resiliency Collaborative and the LAN Healthcare Resiliency Framework

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