203 Panel: Translating Chronic Care Patients’ Optimal Care Journeys into APMs

This session will focus on what the optimal care journey looks like for patients, especially patients with chronic conditions who are the most significant users of the health care system. Panelists will speak to the need for designing and implementing alternative payment models to include meaningful care coordination; infrastructure to support patients’ understanding of options and providers’ ability to address and respect their care and treatment priorities; and other tools patients need to engage meaningfully in their care.  As part of this conversation, panelist will discuss what is the ideal management vision for patients with chronic conditions, particularly as individuals age and take on additional physical and cognitive co-morbidities.  This discussion will also touch on the challenges inherent in managing multiple competing care and medication protocols, all within the context of being responsive and respectful of the patient and his or her family and caregivers.

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Remember to give us your feedback on the sessions and the overall summit.

Theme 2: Integrating Patient and Consumer Perspectives into APMs