2A How to Drive Higher Value Through Equity-Focused Quality Improvement

Leaders from health care payers and systems will present quality improvement initiatives that have addressed disparities in care for racial, linguistic or ethnic minorities; socially or geographically isolated communities; or persons with disabilities and that have resulted in better care and cost outcomes.

Sessions Objectives

  • Improving the quality of care for vulnerable populations can enhance the bottom line.
  • There are simple strategies to improve the quality of care for vulnerable populations that align with overall population health and quality efforts.
  • Equity-focused quality improvement is a focus of high performing health systems.

Presentation now available!

Location: Salon A Date: October 30, 2017 Time: 9:30 am - 10:45 am *Madeleine Shea (CMS) Mike Currie (United Healthcare) Kevin L. Bowman (Anthem)