Slide 2024 HCPLAN Summit Use the following content to share the registration link with your network. See you in Baltimore!

Share the HCPLAN Summit post with your network. Click “Post on X” to login into X. Once logged in, the text will appear in the content box. Press “Post” to publish.


Share the HCPLAN Summit registration by following the instructions to post on LinkedIn.

Step 1: COPY

✨Meet me at the #HCPLANSummit! ✨

Join me November 14 at the Baltimore Convention Center to connect with fellow #HealthCare experts, innovators, and policy leaders as we exchange insights and strategies toward #HealthCareTransformation. We’ll be diving into discussions on #HealthEquity, multi-payer alignment, and lots more. Don’t miss out – register now for FREE!



Step 2: SHARE

Click the “Share Post” button to log in to LinkedIn. 

Click “Share in a post” to paste the text from Step 1 into the content box. Press “Post” to publish.

Share Post


Step #1: Use the button to download the image

Step #2: Highlight the newsletter text and press [CTRL+C] on your keyboard to copy it. Then, using [CTRL+V], paste the text in your desired location.

Join Us at the 2024 HCPLAN Summit!

The 2024 Health Care Payment Learning & Action Network (HCPLAN) Summit will be held on November 14, 2024, at the Baltimore Convention Center!

Attend the 2024 Summit to participate in live sessions on health equity, multi-payer alignment, improved patient and family experience, and more! Hear directly from state leaders, industry experts, and federal government officials as they share useful strategies, best practices, real-life experiences, and updates from the field. And be the first to see the results of the 2024 Measurement Effort, the most comprehensive snapshot available for measuring progress on payment reform nationwide!

You can register for free by visiting