LAN 2021-2022: Evolution in Progress

Are you wondering what’s next for the LAN, what it’s been working on, and how you can become involved? Are you curious about the 2019 and 2020 Measurement Results? How the LAN’s Resiliency Framework and Commitments tie into the LAN’s newest initiatives? LAN CEO Forum Co-chair Dr. Mark McClellan will guide Summit attendees through the LAN’s next phase of work, including its vision, priorities, and goals for the coming year. Hear how the LAN plans to continue to focus on health equity and regional transformation of healthcare. He will formally introduce the Health Equity Advisory Team (HEAT), its members, and their goals.



Location: Date: December 15, 2021 Time: 1:30 pm - 1:45 pm Photo of Mark McClellan Dr. Mark McClellan (Duke Margolis Center)