Phil Rodgers, M.D., is a Professor of Family Medicine and Internal Medicine at the University of Michigan (UM), where he has practiced and taught family medicine and subspecialty palliative medicine for nearly 25 years. He is the founding director of the UM Palliative Care Program and a member of the UM Institute for Health Policy and Innovation (IHPI).
Dr. Rodgers has become a leading national expert in payment and care delivery innovation in palliative care. He has received numerous invitations to speak, consult, and contribute technical expertise to multiple national conveners, stakeholders, and policymakers. He has also held numerous leadership positions within the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM). Dr. Rodgers led the development of AAHPM’s proposal for an alternative payment model for palliative care, which has been recommended for testing by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Innovation Center.
His work has been recognized with several awards, including the University of Michigan Dean’s Award for Community Service, the Cambia Health Foundation Sojourns Leadership Award, and the AAHPM’s Gerald H. Holman Distinguished Service Award.