Lekisha Daniel-Robinson, M.S.P.H., Director of the Center for Maternal and Child Health Research at IBM Watson Health, provides leadership to the portfolio of projects focused on improving healthcare delivery, quality, and access in maternal and child health. She has more than 17 years of experience collaborating with health care organizations and federal and state entities to define performance standards to achieve financial, service, and quality goals.
Before joining Watson Health in April 2019, Ms. Daniel-Robinson served as a Technical Director in the Division of Quality and Health Outcomes at CMS. In that role, she led the launch of the Maternal and Infant Health Initiative for the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services. She established a partnership with state Medicaid agencies, clinical societies, advocacy groups, and other stakeholders to promote system transformation in core areas of quality measurement, service delivery, and value-based purchasing. Since joining Watson Health, Ms. Daniel-Robinson has continued to work with CMS and state Medicaid agencies to use data analytic approaches to support their Medicaid delivery system reform goals in addition to supporting other federal efforts to understand the impact of the opioid crisis on maternal and child populations.