Darcel Jackson is the Patient and Family Coordinator for Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C. She works to advance patient– and family-centered care throughout the organization by coordinating ways in which patients and family members can contribute to the mission and values of the organization. She also works to increase membership in the Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) and in unit/clinic–based Patient Advisory Councils (PACs). She serves as a voice for families by assisting with the design, implementation, and evaluation of services and programs at Children’s National Hospital.
Ms. Jackson is the mother of a wonderfully made 13-year-old daughter who has complex health needs. Having a child born with two rare genetic anomalies has changed the course of Ms. Jackson’s life and created a passion to facilitate change and improvement with various aspects of special needs caregiving. This passion led to her work within Children’s National Hospital and to her receiving the Certified Patient Experience Professional (CPXP) designation. Prior to her current role, she served as a Parent Navigator at Children’s National for five years, during which she provided peer-to-peer support to families of children with chronic medical conditions and/or complex health needs.