Dana Gelb Safran, Sc. D., is the Head of Measurement for Haven, the joint healthcare venture backed by Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, and JPMorgan Chase. She is part of the organization’s core leadership team and brings three decades of experience applying measurement to quantify and solve some of health care’s most challenging problems.
Dr. Safran was previously Chief Performance Measurement & Improvement Officer at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts (BCBSMA). As an architect of the BCBSMA Alternative Quality Contract, and the leader responsible for its unique use of behavioral economics and payer-provider collaboration to reduce cost while improving quality, Dr. Safran is widely recognized as having contributed to our national push toward value-based payment. Prior to joining BCBSMA, she led a research institute at Tufts University School of Medicine dedicated to developing patient-reported measures of health and healthcare quality. Dr. Safran also serves as a Commissioner on the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) and is on the Council of the American Board of Internal Medicine.
Dr. Safran earned her Master of Science and her Doctor of Science degrees from the Harvard School of Public Health. She and her husband have three children and live in Newton, MA.