Panel – Patient-Centered APM Design: Engaging Patients and Consumers at the Design Stages

Consumers, patients, and their advocates are commonly absent from the conversation as payers design and contemplate operations for APMs, and even more often they are brought in after launch in token numbers in ways that diminish the value of their input. As payers strive toward value-based, patient-centered care, increased focus will need to be placed on understanding how best to engage patients and how to effectively incorporate the patient voice in APM design as well as ongoing improvement efforts. This session will bring together representatives from leading health care payers and patient representatives to discuss the value-add of patient engagement, strategies for engaging patients and consumers in the value journey, and how this engagement can accelerate the drive toward value.

View the Session Slideshow!

Remember to give us your feedback on this session and the overall summit.

Theme 3: Person-Centered Care