Aza Nedhari (Mamatoto Village)

Aza Nedhari (Mamatoto Village)

Founding Executive Director, Mamatoto Village

Aza Nedhari is a midwife, family counselor, and founding executive director of Mamatoto Village, a perinatal family support organization in Washington, DC that secures Medicaid Managed Care reimbursement for nonclinical perinatal support services. She has also pioneered the comprehensive Perinatal Health Worker training, which utilizes the community health worker model as a blueprint for creating pathways for women of color in the human services and maternal health professionsNedhari is currently pursuing her doctorate in human services, concentrating in organizational leadership and management, with the goal of cultivating innovative models of perinatal care delivery in highneeds communities and is currently working on legalizing Certified Professional Midwives in the District of Columbia. 

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