207 Workshop: Engaging Patients to Achieve APM Success

Workshops are designed to address specific challenges the field is experiencing in implementing APMs. The focus will be on strategies to overcome these barriers as well as highlighting success factors that could be applied or modified in different contexts or markets. This will be a hands-on working session guided by a facilitator along with experts in the field who have achieved success and who will offer their perspectives, as well as concrete steps participants can take to implement what they have learned at their respective organizations.

With rising interest in the potential impact of informed, activated patients on improving outcomes and lowering costs, providers and payers are initiating diverse strategies to educate and support their patients/beneficiaries. Educating and supporting patients can occur on different levels. Giving patients usable information about costs and quality may help them select the best providers and treatments for their circumstances. At a more personal level, giving them control over their personal health data (or that of their family members) can help them actively seek appropriate providers and services and make more informed decisions about care for themselves or those for whom they are caregivers. However, the tools and approaches must be well crafted to meet the patients’ needs for them to be used. In addition, data to aid in provider selections and care decisions should be tailored to their insurance context; personal health data for care management must flow seamlessly across providers and settings. Initiatives like MyHealthEData can help ensure that patients control their healthcare data and can decide how their data is going to be used, all while keeping that information safe and secure. This workshop is for payers and providers who want to learn effective techniques for enabling patient activation and engagement in a way that positively affects utilization, as well as cost and quality outcomes. Techniques will include designing online resources with optimum content, usability, and interoperability. Expert advisors will include 1) an expert to speak to what meaningful engagement and activation looks like from the patient perspective and the tools (including data transparency infrastructure) best suited to achieve it; 2) a payer/purchaser who is a proven innovator, not only in incorporating engagement and activation into care patterns but in integrating it into value-based payment; and 3) a provider who can describe the opportunities and challenges.

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Remember to give us your feedback on the sessions and the overall summit.

Theme 2: Integrating Patient and Consumer Perspectives into APMs