
Commitment Statement:

Vizient believes that by bringing together groups of diverse health care stakeholders and providing them with knowledge and access to other likeminded individuals that we will be able to accelerate the transition to new models of care and the alternative payment models necessary to support them. To that end, as a Committed Partner Vizient will commit to take the following actions to help advance the objectives of the Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network:

1) Vizient will use the resources it has available, particularly in the areas of education, broadcasting and networking, to raise awareness among clinicians, administrators, and other health care professionals of developments and accomplishments related to value-based payments and alternative payment models. We propose to use our VHA TV studio to broadcast at least one program each year on payment transformation/alternative payment models as well as periodic webinars and other educational forums.

2) Vizient will convene its member organizations across the country, as needed, to obtain feedback on important proposed policy/operational models and will share that feedback with CMS and the Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network in order to guide the further development and dissemination of value-based payment structures and alternative payment models.

3) Vizient, through its Practice Transformation Network (PTN) within the CMS Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative (TCPI), will work with our participating clinicians (6,000 currently; 20,000 target) to help them transform their practices to achieve the Fifth Phase of TCPI Transformation – “thrive as a business via pay-for-value approaches.” We will “graduate” participating clinicians from fee-for-service models to alternative payment models consistent with the expectations CMS provided all PTNs as a condition of award. We believe at least 50% of current clinicians will be operating under an alternative payment model by the end of the program (2019).

We believe these actions, together with the leadership role that Vizient plays in the health care ecosystem, will help advance the transformation of the health care payment system to one that reflects and rewards value over volume and innovation over the status quo. Vizient will be honored to work with CMS, the Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network and other Committed Partners to bring about better care for the individual, better health for communities and smarter spending on health care expenditures.


Vizient, Inc.