McKesson Corporation Connected Care and Analytics/Extended Care Solutions

Commitment Statement:

As a software vendor serving federally funded home health and hospice providers, our goal and commitment is to provide solutions to serve our home health and hospice customers.

Our products will continue to evolve to better serve our customers with implementation and support for alternative payment models in Category 3. From our perspective, the full impact of the various payment models has not been fully recognized in the post-acute care space. We will continue to work closely with our customer base and industry experts, such as LAN, as part of our commitment.

As Category 4 APMs provide details for home health and hospice, we will work with our customer base to support their needs.

We have started a process to measure APM activity in our customer base. We will obtain the findings and report by percentages.

McKesson is committed to serving our customers and being a champion for alternative payment models that improve patient outcomes.


McKesson Home Care Talk