Commitment Statement:
Healthcentric Advisors and the New England QIN-QIO support the Health Care Payment Learning & Action Network’s goals by:
- Successfully achieving the tasks set forth in the QIN-QIO 11th Scope of Work to:
- assist clinicians in transitioning from fee-for-service payment models to APMs;
- improve the coordination of care; and
- to improve the quality and safety of care transitions through reduced hospital utilization and adverse drug events.
- Providing education and technical assistance in order for eligible clinicians to transition into APM Framework Categories 3 and 4.
- Serving as the TCPI neutral convener for the PTNs within our QIN-QIO region in order to share best practices, tools and resources to optimize the number of practices completing the transformation phases.
The goal for Healthcentric Advisors and the New England QIN-QIO is to reach 30,000 clinicians over the next 3 years and we will periodically measure our progress in achieving this goal.
Healthcentric Advisors
New England QIN-QIO
Posted June 26, 2017 in: Event by